Designillassa tutustutaan tällä kertaa Irlantiin ja sen muotoilun teemavuoteen 2015. Designmuseossa Mobius-vaihdossa parhaillaan oleva asiantuntija Dobrawa Brach-Kaluzna valottaa puheenvuorossaan muotoiluvuoden merkitystä ja sen tuloksia. Dobrawa työskenteli Irish Design 2015 -hankkeessa näyttely- ja tapahtumapäällikkönä. Alla lisää teemasta ja puhujasta. Tilaisuus pidetään englanniksi Designmuseon Galleriassa.
Design Evening Talk
March 29th at 6PM
Irish Design 2015 – Design Year in Ireland
Talk by Dobrawa Brach-Kaluzna
(in English)
Irish Design 2015 was a landmark, year-long project, which showcased over 2,000 Irish designers to more than 1.4 million people, through over 500 projects in Ireland and abroad. The Irish Design year project (ID2015) was about achieving change through design. The project was convened by the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland, in collaboration with partner organisations on behalf of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Enterprise Ireland. Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, was Patron of Irish Design 2015 and the initiative was included in the Irish Government’s Action Plan for Jobs.
ID2015 aimed to celebrate and promote design across a wide range of disciplines: from animation and music, architecture and engineering, costume and theater, craft and furniture to fashion, textiles and jewellery, food and graphic design, interaction and service design.
Amongst many, the highlights of the year included “In the Making” exhibition from London Design Museum curated by Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby in Dublin. Ireland was selected by London Festival of Architecture as the inaugural Focus Country for this 2015 edition.
Through the year-long programme of events, ID2015 worked towards raising the profile of Irish design, at home and abroad and increasing awareness of the value of design in all aspects of life. Other objectives included building on the international reputation of Irish design, encouraging links between local and global Irish designers and showcasing the importance of design to success in business and as a driver of economic growth.
The outcomes of the year were:
370 newly registered design companies
476 designers supported to attend international design-based trade events
50 companies supported to undertake design training
€24.1 million in design-based exports generated
28.5 million people engaged with ID2015 through exhibitions and events
€20.1 million+ PR value generated
3 design accelerators launched
Dobrawa Brach-Kaluzna acted as Exhibitions and Events Manager for the Irish Design 2015 project. She coordinated nearly 20 exhibitions for the project and worked with Design Museum London, Vitra Design Museum and the V&A Museum on their touring exhibitions programme in Dublin. The Ireland-based art historian born in Poland works as freelance researcher and cultural projects manager and is currently Mobius Fellow at the Design Museum Helsinki.
ICON website about Irish Design 2015