Perjantaina 16.11. klo 13.00
Designmuseossa on esillä näyttely itävaltalaissyntyisen Josef Frankin (1885-1967) tuotannosta arkkitehtuurin, kaupunkisuunnittelun, huonekalumuotoilun ja tekstiilisuunnittelun aloilla. Frankin lähtökohdat arkkitehtina ja muotoilijana ovat 1900-luvun alun monikulttuurisessa Wienissä. Minkälainen oli Euroopan vanha keskus poliittisen myllerryksen vuosina. Mistä kumpuaa Josef Frankin värikäs ja koristeellinen modernismi? Tästä kuullaan taidehistorioitsija Sabrina Rahmanin englanninkielisellä Lunch Talk -luennolla perjantaina 16.11. klo 13-14.
Vapaa pääsy.
Designmuseo, Korkeavuorenkatu 23, Helsinki
Lunch Talk
Friday 16th November at 1 p.m.
Sabrina Rahman:
Sentimental and Lively – Josef Frank and the Global Fabric of Everyday Life
Design Museum displays work by the Austrian-born architect and designer Josef Frank (1885 –1967) in architecture, urban planning and furniture and textile design. The basis of Frank’s work as designer and architect lies in the multi-cultural city of Vienna at the beginning of the 20th century. What was this old center of Europe like during the years of political turmoil and from where did Josef Frank draw his colorful and decorative Modernism? Design historian Sabrina Rahman from the University of Exeter, UK will give a Lunch Talk on the topic on Friday 16th November at 1 p.m.
Free entrance.
Sabrina Rahman is a design historian and lecturer in Art History and Visual Culture at the University of Exeter, UK. She studied Art History, German Studies and History at Oberlin College (Ohio, USA) and the University of Vienna, earning a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2010. Since then, she has worked in a number of roles across university research and museum curation.