Opening Hours
The market will be held on the following weekends:
December 14–15, 2024
December 21–22, 2024
Market hours
Saturdays from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sundays from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Participating Vendors
December 14–15, 2024:
Elina Makkonen
Sarita Koivukoski
Raaka Rå
Aura Kajas
Emmi Jormalainen
Verna Kovanen
Terhi Isokuortti
Marjo Tähkäpää | Nunnukka Design
December 21–22, 2024:
Harri Syrjänen
Mari Kallionpää
Ivana Helsinki
Elina Airikkala
Jenni Rope
Matti Pikkujämsä
Tiina Elovainio
Card Games by Tngl Studio & New Normal Design Finland book
Marjo Tähkäpää | Nunnukka Design
Participation and accessibility
The event is free of charge. Access to the exhibitions with a museum ticket or Museum Card.
The Design Museum building is accessible.
You can find more information about the accessibility of the Design Museum here.
The event uses the safer space principles of the Architecture and Design Museum.